"When you lose someone you love,Your life becomes strange" wrote John O'Donoghue in his beautiful poem on grief and loss. In our loss we can feel as it the earth is no longer solid, as if time is something strange, and we can be shocked to find that the world continues on as though nothing of huge magnitude has happened. And in this very state of grief we may be tasked with the creation of a fitting way to honour and celebrate the very life which we mourn.
The loss can be even more devastating if there were any unresolved issues, unspoken feelings, tasks left incomplete.
I see the funeral as way to begin to bring together all that is unresolved, as well as a place where a life can be celebrated.
Many people wish to have a ceremony in accordance with their affiliated religion. Others wish to have a ceremony that allows the diverse aspects of their interests, friends and community to be represented. What I think a One Spirit Interfaith ceremony can bring is a bridge to all of that without being beholden or restricted to any particular faith path or philosophy. Interfaith funerals are inclusive, which means that not only can the beliefs of the deceased be honoured but also those of the mourners.
I personally work with the understanding that consciousness continues after the death of the physical body. The foundations of my work are in the sacredness of life, the importance of inter-connection, gratitude and love. And interweaving all of this is the awareness of the moments of Grace in our lives when we can be supported by a greater wisdom at work than we may be able to explain.
I think that life is most vibrantly experienced when we are alive to the thresholds between important stages in our life's path, and working with people who are experiencing the transition between life and death is something which I am committed to supporting.
In brief:
What is an Interfaith Funeral?
An Interfaith funeral honours and celebrates the life of the person who has died, without needing to be restricted to any particular readings, prayers or rituals.
The ceremony is there to serve the one who has died and also to serve those who are grieving. The ceremony can be held in a crematorium, or a location of your choosing such as a green burial site.
The ceremony can honour the traditions that the deceased lived by but does not need to be soley focused on them. The ceremony is co-created with the chief mourner/s as a gift to the one who has died and to all who attend the ceremony. I can offer many ideas for readings, poems and rituals to hep make this time together meaningful, memorable and as warm and personal as possible.

To live in this world
you must be able to do three things:
to love what is mortal;
to hold it
against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go.