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Separation/ Divorce Ceremony

When a couple come to the knowledge that their relationship has reached completion, for whatever reason, there might be a tendency to run as fast as possible, or to hide, or to feel shame. We have a vast array of ways to move through the grief of separation. And not only is the grief related to this separation, but it may also bring up painful memories of old separations as well.

Within this array of options, there is also the choice of moving through the closure of the old form of relationship consciously. This can allow for something new to grow, something which honours all the love and history that has flowed between the couple. 

A separation ceremony is one way to bring together the threads of the fabric that once held the couple and with these threads to create something new. This might allow the couple to find support in this brave step of finding a healthy new form to grow into. For a couple who have children or other shared and beloved responsibilities, this new form of relationship is incredibly important. 

If you would like to discuss how such a ceremony could support you please do get in touch. 

Through the gateway of feeling your weakness

lies your strength.


Through the gateway of feeling your pain

lies your pleasure and joy.


Through the gateway of feeling your fear

lies security and safety.


Through the gateway of feeling your loneliness

lies your capacity

to have fulfillment, love, and companionship.


Through the gateway of feeling your hopelessness

lies true and justified hope.


Through the gateway of accepting the lacks 

of your childhood 

lies your fulfillment now.


~ Eva Pierrakos,

The Pathwork of Self-Transformation

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