OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation
Code of Ethics
How do I know I am in good hands?
To promote integrity in our training and practice, the staff, students and ministers of OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation commit ourselves to the following precepts:
Remembering our unity, honouring our uniqueness
We aim to keep our hearts and minds open to everyone, celebrating difference but not separation. We refuse to marginalise people on the basis of age, disability, state of health, race, gender, nationality, religion, sexuality, economic status or any other distinction.
Walking our talk
We understand the importance of practising what we preach, and agree to uphold the ethical and practical principles of the spiritual path we follow. We recognise that all paths emphasise the importance of honesty, respecting self and others, non-stealing and non-harming.
Celebrating honesty
Knowing that truthfulness brings freedom, we aim to cultivate conscious and clean communication. We aim to speak and listen as truly as we can, being mindful that our words are kind, true and useful.
Protecting clarity
Since we value purity of awareness, we support each other in exercising maturity over the ingestion of intoxicants or mind-altering substances.
Honouring physical boundaries
In order to create safe space for the opening of our hearts and minds, we aim to be sensitive and respectful in expressing physical affection. Mindful of the power our position as teacher, counsellor or minister may bring, we undertake to refuse absolutely sexual relationships with our students or clients.
Representing ourselves accurately
Since we strive for integrity, we understand the importance of not misleading others about the services we can offer, and not exaggerating our professional achievements. Further, we commit ourselves to open and just dealings in all of our financial transactions.
Maintaining confidentiality
We honour the sacred trust between a spiritual counsellor and a client, and between a minister and the community served, and promise to hold any personal information in the strictest confidence within the law. The same applies to our group settings, so that a safe space is created for heartfelt sharing.
Valuing support and supervision
We acknowledge the need for supervision and guidance beyond our years of study at The OneSpirit Interfaith Seminary. We commit to regular supervision of our spiritual counselling and ministry work.
Committed to continued awakening
We understand that our spiritual unfolding is an ongoing process, and dedicate ourselves to continually deepening our personal spiritual practice, that our service may be grounded in an authentic and evolving spiritual life.
Safeguarding the whole
We commit, where necessary, to lovingly call to attention, either one-to-one or through our peer group, any issue that may place another in danger or compromise the good reputation of interfaith ministers however difficult this may seem.